Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My favourite food

My favourite food is lasagna. Lasagna is a tipical italian dish, and in general contains meat, sauce, layers, and cheese. Cheese is very important, because is the best. Remember that always. if you dont like the cheese you should go to the doctor.
XD Also you could make a vegetarian lasagne, and is very good too. You can put more ingredients, like mushrooms, make a mushrooms' sauce, corn, cheese!!,spinach , as you want.
well, here we go again ( my work dissapeared u.u)
OH gabriel, that sound good, but¿ How can i cook lasagna?)
Good question my buddy.
Im going to tell you a lasagna with ingredients that i like.
First, put the layers in pot with boiled water, one by one, with a little of salt, for one or two minutes. Also make a mix with meat, mushrooms and tomatoes sauce in a pot for a few minutes. In a mold put a level of layers and then a level with the mix, and alternate both of them. Also you can put cheese with the mix. If you make this you will get fat, but you will be very happy :D . Alternate the levels (mix and layers) until filled the mold, and in the top put cheese. Beutiful. Then put the mold in the oven until the cheese is melted and enjoy it! cheese! xD :P:P

Lasagna is my favourite because my mother made it to my since i was child, and , i dont know, i like cheese a lot (really? ) , and my mother cook very well :):):)
Then my mother makes lasagna, she makes both kinds; normal and vegetarian. I like a lot both of them. Normal with tomatoes sauce, and vegetarian with mushrooms' sauce. Ñami ñami, im going to eat! Cheese!
PD: If you have never eaten cheese and lasagna, im sorry for you u.u
jajajajja :P im just kidding, but you should do it ;)